Nurture Medical

How Do I Choose Which Pump Is Right for Me?

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When it comes to choosing a breast pump, the options can seem overwhelming.

Truly, each mom is different. We want all pumps to work perfectly for all moms, but we know that just isn’t the case, There isn’t one pump that fits all. So how do you decide which to choose? We can’t pick for you, but here’s a few tips that might help make it a bit easier to pick the best option for your breastfeeding journey!

       The first question we ask moms when giving advice about pumps is:

What will your postpartum period look like?

Will you be a stay at home parent? Going back to work part time or full time? Do you want to exclusively breastfeed? Exclusively pump? Here’s our suggestions for these scenarios:

Occasional Pumper

If you are planning to stay home full time and exclusively breastfeed with the occasional need to give the baby a bottle (partner wants to help, you need to run errands, etc) we suggest going with a standard plug in pump covered by your insurance. These pumps are effective and will get the job done for here and there pumpers.

Pumps we love for you:

Motif Luna

Spectra S2

Medela Pump In style Maxflow

Lansinoh Smartpump

Ameda Mya

Part-time Pumper

If you are going back to work and some type of bottle feeding will be part of everyday routine, we suggest looking into a combo powered pump. One that can be plugged in or battery operated. This will help you maneuver pumping at home, work or even in the car! Be sure to check the strength and additional features of each pump to decide which one is right for you!

Pumps we love for you : 

Battery operated Motif Luna

Spectra S1

Medela Pump In Style Maxflow

Ameda Mya Joy

 A hands free pump can also be a great option for part time pumpers, if you like the freedom to move about while pumping.

(See below for hands free options)

Exclusive Pumpers

If you plan to exclusively pump, our recommendation is definitely a hands free pump. Because pumping takes a lot of time and effort, a fully hands free pump will allow you to multitask with freedom to do what you please while also providing milk for your baby.  Make sure to educate yourself on the strength and features of each pump, so you can choose the very best one for you.

Pumps we love for you:



Spectra S9

Medela Freestyle


Your postpartum goals are just one of the ways we help you to choose a pump that is perfect for you, stay tuned for more tips on what to look for when researching double electric breast pumps!

Have more questions ? Feel free to reach out to our lactation team at 407-473-0786 or

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