Is Elvie Stride available outside of the US?
Elvie Stride is only available in the United States. Please check our website to see which products are available where you live.
Elvie Stride is only available in the United States. Please check our website to see which products are available where you live.
Most insurance companies provide maternity products, including breast pumps. To find out if you can get Elvie Stride through your insurer you can: Contact one of our Durable Medical Equipment (DME) partners Contact your insurer directly to ask which suppliers they work with
Elvie Stride comes with two 24mm Breast Shields (often called flanges). Packs of two 21mm or 28mm Breast Shields are also available to purchase. Our Breast Shields are sized based on the width of the base of your nipple. You can measure the width of the base of your nipple with a ruler. The Breast Shield …